There will be a bake sale tomorrow for grades 7-12 tomorrow during lunch.
13 days ago, Travis Baumann
Bake Sale
***Attention all Box Elder School Community Members, Parents, Guaridans, Staff, and Students*** Information on the possible Impact Aid Bond
13 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winners!!They will go to the county spelling bee next week in Havre.
13 days ago, Shilo Seymour
Come join us February 11th at 5:00
13 days ago, Shilo Seymour
***Attention all Box Elder Bear Parents and Guardians*** The Box Elder School District is asking for your help. We are looking into the possibility of a 4 Day School Day. We would love to get your input. Here is a link and QR code to get you to the survey. Thank you for your help and input!
14 days ago, Mollee Hunt
QR code for 4 Day Week Parents
***Attention all Box Elder Bear Parents, Guardians, Students and Staff*** There will be no after school activities for Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
14 days ago, Mollee Hunt
9C District Basketball Tickets On Sale Now! $35 - Adult All-Session Reserved Seating $25 - Students All-Session General Adminission See Chine at the Elementary Office to purchase tickets.
16 days ago, Travis Baumann
Weekly Schedule
16 days ago, Travis Baumann
Weekly Basketball schedule
***Attention all Box Elder School Community Members, Parents, Guaridans, Staff, and Students*** Information on the possible Impact Aid Bond
18 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Info flyer
***A great halftime show put on by our own Box Elder Bear Dancers***
19 days ago, Mollee Hunt
**New Job Posting**
19 days ago, KaSondra Komeotis
Coaching Positions
***Attentional all Box Elder Seniors, Parents, and Guardians*** Thursday January 30th during 3rd period, Seniors will begin working on their Higher Ed Applications in Ms. Maroney's room. Seniors not sure what Higher Ed is, come and find out!
21 days ago, Mollee Hunt
***Attention all Box Elder Bear and Lady Bear Basketball Fans*** On Friday, January 31, 2025 we will be raising the 2023 Class C State Basketball Championship Banner at Halftime of the Hays Basketball Game! We would love to have everyone to turn out and celebrate! !!!!Go Bears Go!!!!
22 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Jerseys will be available during the varsity games.
22 days ago, Travis Baumann
Jersey Sale
Bears Weekly Activities Schedule
23 days ago, Travis Baumann
Basketball Schedule
***ATTENTION ALL BOX ELDER STUDENTS, PARENTS, GUARDIANS, and STAFF*** Due to the Snowfall and roads Box Elder Schools will be having a late start at 10 am. Any students in Haystack, Parker Canyon, Parker School, or Duck Creek if you are able to meet the school bus on the main road please do that. School buses will not be off the main road. All staff is to report to school by 9:30am.
28 days ago, Mollee Hunt
The cheer team is hosting a bake sale fundraiser on Thursday, January 23, during lunch.
29 days ago, Travis Baumann
Bake Sale
***Attention all Box Elder Bear and Lady Bear Basketball Fans*** Here is the Sports Schedule for the week of January 21st-January 25, 2025 Tuesday, January 21st HS Basketball vs Centerville in Box Elder Varsity Girls - 5:00pm Varsity Boys - 6:30pm Friday, January 24th HS Basketball vs Fort Benton in Box Elder JV Girls - 3:00pm JV Boys - 4:30pm Varsity Girls - 6:00pm Varsity Boys - 7:30pm Saturday, January 25th HS Basketball @ North Star (Gildford) JV Girls - 12:00pm JV Boys - 1:30pm Varsity Girls - 3:00pm Varsity Boys - 4:30pm bus departure - JV @ 10:00am, Varsity @ 1:00pm
30 days ago, Mollee Hunt
***Attention all Box Elder Students, Parents, Guardians, and Staff*** Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow for Box Elder in recognition of Martin Luther King Day Enjoy your day, stay warm, and we will see all students on Tuesday, January 21st, 2024!
about 1 month ago, Mollee Hunt
Box Elder School District School Board Agenda Due to having to reschedule the Centerville game for Tuesday the 21st, the school board will meet on Wednesday at 5pm in the Library.
about 1 month ago, Mollee Hunt
1st Page Agenda
2nd page of Agenda